Home Restoration Project
Help us repair this 100 year old home that is bringing hope to so many women.
Mission Statement – To provide a loving community devoted to rebuilding shattered lives that empowers women to fulfill their God-Given Purpose. 25,565 Women Impacted, 8 Programs, 82% Success Rate, 56 Years of Ministry, 33 States Traveled From, 44% Have Children, 26% Are Human Trafficking Survivors, 3,000+ Ministered in Jail & Detox, 100 Baptisms.
The building is almost 100 years old, and when Hoving Home acquired it in 1999, it was in serious need of repair. They have been addressing the plumbing issues by repairing and patching where they can, but have been informed that the existing original plumbing lines could rupture at any time. Right now they are repairing as pipes burst which is not the most effective way to deal with the issue but they are doing what they can. This is a major issue because it is preventing them from bringing more women into the program because we had to close off several rooms due to leaking pipes. Each room has 4-6 beds so it is preventing anywhere from 12-18 women if not more from getting the help they need from this wonderful ministry.
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Amount Raised/Goal Amount
Breakdown of goal: